Friday, November 13, 2009

Just the Little Things

I feel like I have spent more time talking about Martita then anyone else in this blog... Well possibly Yadira. Anyways, the day after she called us all "ugly Indians" she came over to our house for dinner because we were cooking chicken. She is very good at remembering what is convenient for her to remember! I asked her when she came to our door if she remembered calling me an ugly Indian and she said "No you are very beautiful but Padre said it," she has a lot of stories she likes to tell.
When she came for supper she was really sick, if she goes next I don't know what I would do! We made her take her medicine and she started to cry and say how gross it is. She literally is like a child because we had to offer her a lollipop in order to get her to take her medicine. Some people don't have patience for her because she tells a lot tall tales and sometimes steals things, but she literally cracks me up! After dinner, I went to drop her off at her house with Juliette and it was literally terrifying because it was pitch black in her house and I couldn't see anything I could only hear the sound of her feet shuffling across the floor and then rustling in the corner. It was like it was out of a scary movie. The rustling in the corner was actually her puppy in a box that she found in the street and named juguete which means toy. I thought it was a rat, then we nearly ran out of the house because we were so scared to be there alone.
Other than our dinner date with Martita, I went visiting houses with Yadira to give permission slips for the Becas Retreat next week and then I guess the only other news was I got really sick on Wednesday and could barely get out of bed all day. I think I jinxed myself saying I have a really strong stomach and I how I haven't gotten sick yet, and we have had people in the house with a lot of whacky illness: typhoid, salmonella, scabies, and lice, and I managed to go unscathed for how many months? I guess it was time to pay my dues. I was literally running back and forth from my bed to the bathroom and I just thought of one day last summer I was really upset because I had gained 10 pounds that year and my Dad saying to me "My mother always said you need an extra 10 pounds just in case you get sick." I finally understood the significance of that statement.
Every Thursday I run the library in the afternoon and have a group of girls who come, we read and take turns reading aloud and practicing how to sound out the words. This week, only 2 girls came, Evelyn and Amada Guadalupe, so we were playing with a book of puzzles that had stories of the New Testament depicted. We were putting together a puzzle of the Last Supper and I was asking them questions about the picture. When I asked "Who was with Jesus?" I expected them to say "His friends," which is true but they started listing the Apostles, "Pedro, y Juan, y Santiago, etc." They are 5 years old and they can name more Apostles than I can! Haha! Then they told me that Mary, Mary Magdalene, and "Las Monjitas," the little nuns were at the cross. They are literally so cute I love being with them every Thursday which makes me think a lot about teaching and maybe to younger kids than I expected to.

Love and miss always,


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